Salty Seattle and Her Unconventional Pasta Art
In the universally acclaimed Pixar movie Inside Out, there is a scene where a dad is having trouble getting his toddler to eat broccoli, a vegetable that incites disgust in most children of that age. For the movie's international release, Pixar replaced broccoli with whatever vegetable was most suitable for a particular region's picky-eating children. When food blogger Linda Miller Nicholson was presented with the challenge of raising a son who turns his nose up at vegetables, she readily accepted it by sneaking them into pasta in wildly imaginative ways.
As a molecular gastronomist known as the "Lady Gaga of Food" by the Cooking Channel, Nicholson regularly approaches food in an original way. However, she has gained fame for her out-of-this-world pasta creations.
在全球廣受好評的皮克斯電影《腦筋急轉彎》,有一個情景是一個爸爸要讓她剛學會走路的幼童吃下花椰菜,大多數那個年紀都厭惡的一種蔬菜,而感到苦惱。這部電影推出的國際版中,皮克斯用最適合特定地區挑食孩童的任何蔬菜去取代花椰菜。當美食部落客Linda Miller Nicholson遇到他兒子不吃蔬菜的挑戰,他欣然地接受並用瘋狂想像力的方式把蔬菜挟進義大利麵中。
Salty Seattle and Her Unconventional Pasta Art
They aren't your ordinary pastas with bland colors and dull flavors; they're zany pasta designs with bursts of colors, mesmerizing patterns, homages to art pieces like Vermeer's Girl with a Pearl Earring, and other cultural icons using all-natural ingredients. She includes kale, peas, beets, paprika, turmeric, and other ingredients to get the vibrant colors she needs. Then, she documents her pasta masterpieces under her Instagram handle Salty Seattle, which is the name of her former blog.
Nicholson began her journey at the center of the Slow Food Movement in Torino, Italy. From then on, she has appeared on the American version of MasterChef, with celebrity chef and television personality Gordon Ramsay. Now, she's the host of Food Network's Facebook live videos where she regularly teaches people how to utilize her pasta-making techniques. With her own cookbook underway in early 2018, there is no telling what will be next in store for Nicholson.
它們不是平淡顏色、口味單調的普通義大利麵。它們是滑稽有趣的義大利麵設計,色彩鮮艷、迷人的圖案,和對藝術作品的敬意,像維梅爾的戴珍珠耳環的少女,及其他用全食材的文化畫像。她用羽衣甘藍、碗豆、甜菜根、紅辣椒粉、薑黃粉和其他石材得到她需要的鮮豔色彩。然後,她把她的義大利麵傑作記錄在Instagram裡,名字是Salty Seattle,這也是她部落格的名字。
Nicholsony在義大利的Torino慢食運動中心開始她的旅程。從那時候開始,她和名廚和電視名人Gordon Ramsay出現在美國版的《廚神當道》裡。現在,她是食物頻道臉書直播影片的主持人,影片中她經常教人如何利用她製作義大利麵的技巧。她的烹飪書在2018年初出版,沒有人知道Nicholsony將會再做什麼。
Salty Seattle and Her Unconventional Pasta Art
No one would ever confuse canned food with gourmet cuisine. Its humble origins date back about two centuries and rose up out of the need to keep large quantities of food for hungry armies from spoiling. In 1795, Napoleon Bonaparte, who later became the Emperor of France, offered 12,000 francs to anyone who could come up with a good method of preserving food for his army and navy. Napoleon's incentive led to chef Nicolas Appert designing a system using glass jars, which later led to the use of tin cans for the same purpose. Not only have tin cans been used effectively in times of war, but they have also long been a staple of grocery stores around the world.
沒有人會將罐頭食品與美食搞混。它卑微的起源可以追溯到大約兩個世紀前,因為需要避免給飢餓軍隊的大量食物腐壞。在1795年,後來成為法國皇帝的拿破崙波拿巴(拿破崙一世),提供了12,000法郎給能夠想出好方法能為他的軍隊和海軍保存食物的人。在拿破崙的激勵下,Nicolas Appert廚師設計使用玻璃瓶的方法,後來使用錫罐的方式也是相同的目的。錫罐在戰爭時期不僅被有效使用,他們也一直是世界各地雜貨店的主要商品。
It might seem a bit odd for a restaurant or bar to put canned food on its menu, and even stranger for an establishment's cuisine to be entirely based on it, but that's exactly the case with a bar and eatery called Mr. Kanso in Japan. The items on offer there are not just your average tins of Spam, although there are five varieties of that famous meat at Mr. Kanso. The restaurant stocks around 350 varieties of canned food from across the world, including seal curry, whale meat, and bacon and honey, just to name a few. This no-frills type of dining, where the food is served cold, straight out of the can, and diners use plastic knives and forks, began in Osaka in 2002. The concept has proven to be a popular one, and the chain has expanded to more than 40 branches across Japan. Napoleon would certainly be impressed with dinner at Mr. Kanso.
餐館或酒吧把罐頭食品放到菜單上看起來似乎有點奇怪,甚至是店家的美食完全都是罐頭食品,但在日本就有一家叫Mr.Kanso的酒吧餐聽就是這樣。儘管Mr. Kanso有五種有名的午餐肉,但那裡提供的食品不是只有一般的午餐肉罐頭,這家餐廳儲存了來自世界各地約350種的罐頭食品,包括咖哩海豹、鯨魚肉、培根和蜂蜜,只舉了幾個例子。這種沒有不提供多餘服務的餐飲類型,從2002年開始在大阪開始,那裡的食物是冷的直接從罐頭取出,客人用塑料的刀叉。這個概念已被證明是一個受歡迎的概念,這個連鎖店在全日本也已經開始擴展到40多家。Mr. Kanso的晚餐肯定會讓拿破崙留下深刻的印象。
When choosing a country to visit, some are drawn to a destination like Egypt, for its rich history and spectacular ruins. Others are more interested in a lazy beach holiday in Thailand or the Philippines, while still others will choose a good ecotourism site, such as the island of Sri Lanka, situated off the southeastern coast of India.
For a country of its size, Sri Lanka, which is just under twice the size of Taiwan, has a remarkable number of animal species. In fact, Sri Lanka has the highest density of biodiversity in Asia, and many species are endemic to the island. Among the creatures found on Sri Lanka are Asian elephants, leopards,monkeys, water buffalo, and wild boars.More than 120 species of mammals live on the island, 16 of which are endemic and 14 of which are threatened, such as the sloth bear.
斯里蘭卡是土地是比兩倍台灣還小一點的國家,對於這個規模的國家來說,,其動物種類非常多。事實上,斯里蘭卡是亞洲生物多樣性密度最高的國家,許多物種都是島上特有的。 在斯里蘭卡發現的生物包括亞洲象、花豹、猴子、水牛和野豬。島上有超過120多種哺乳類動物,其中16種是當地特有的,其中14種瀕臨滅絕的,如懶熊。
There are also more than 400 species of birds and over 140 species of amphibians.
Sri Lanka's government has recognized the value of its wildlife and the allure of traveling to marvel at another country's fauna, so they have set up numerous national parks. The most visited of all the parks is Yala National Park, which is the country's second largest. Covering nearly 1,000 square kilometers, Yala became a wildlife sanctuary in 1900 and was designated as a national park in 1938, making it one of the oldest national parks in the country. The establishment of the park helps with the conservation of many species, including leopards, aquatic birds, and elephants.
斯里蘭卡政府已經見識到其野生動植物的價值以及旅行到另一個國家看那國動物的魅力,所以他們設立了許多國家公園。所有公園中參觀人數最多的是亞拉國家公園,這是斯里蘭卡的第二大公園。亞拉國家公園佔地近1000平方公里,於1900年成為野生動物保護區,在1938年被指定為國家公園,成為了該國最古老的國家公園之一。 公園的設立有助於保護許多物種,包括花豹,水鳥和大象。
A major problem facing many Sri Lankan species is habitat destruction caused by deforestation and water pollution, as well as poaching. Fortunately, efforts are being made to help the country's wildlife. One such initiative is the Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage, which was founded by the Sri Lanka Department of Wildlife Conservation in 1975. They take in young animals found wandering around in the nation's forests. The orphanage, originally situated in the Wilpattu National Park, started out with just five young elephants. It later relocated to its current site, Pinnawala village in Sabaragamuwa Province. In addition to taking care of orphaned elephants, the facility has run a captive breeding program since 1982.
Given the interest in ecotourism and the public's fascination with elephants, it is not surprising that the Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage soon became a popular tourist attraction.
Early Birds Versus Night Owls
Are you a morning person or a night owl? This was the sole question on a questionnaire given to nearly 90,000 people, administered by Dr. Youna Hu and her team at 23andMe. These scientists were trying to shed light on what proportion of people describe themselves as morning or night people and whether any health implication are attached to this. What they found is important in many ways.
It has long been known that animals, including humans, are subject to what are called circadian rhythms. These are the body's natural cycles of rest and activity, which follow the 24-hour period of light and dark. Certain behavioral, psychological, and physical changes are attributed to circadian rhythms.
你是早起的人還是夜貓子呢?這是給將近9萬人的問卷調查中的唯一問題,是由Youna Hu博士和她在23andMe的團隊所進行。這些科學家正在試圖揭示人們將自己描述為早起的人或晚起的人的比例是多少,以及是否會因此造成健康上的影響。他們的發現對很多的方面都很重要。