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Salty Seattle and Her Unconventional Pasta Art
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They aren't your ordinary pastas with bland colors and dull flavors; they're zany pasta designs with bursts of colors, mesmerizing patterns, homages to art pieces like Vermeer's Girl with a Pearl Earring, and other cultural icons using all-natural ingredients. She includes kale, peas, beets, paprika, turmeric, and other ingredients to get the vibrant colors she needs. Then, she documents her pasta masterpieces under her Instagram handle Salty Seattle, which is the name of her former blog.
Nicholson began her journey at the center of the Slow Food Movement in Torino, Italy. From then on, she has appeared on the American version of MasterChef, with celebrity chef and television personality Gordon Ramsay. Now, she's the host of Food Network's Facebook live videos where she regularly teaches people how to utilize her pasta-making techniques. With her own cookbook underway in early 2018, there is no telling what will be next in store for Nicholson.

2018年3月4日 (日) 20:15的修訂版本


Salty Seattle and Her Unconventional Pasta Art

In the universally acclaimed Pixar movie Inside Out, there is a scene where a dad is having trouble getting his toddler to eat broccoli, a vegetable that incites disgust in most children of that age. For the movie's international release, Pixar replaced broccoli with whatever vegetable was most suitable for a particular region's picky-eating children. When food blogger Linda Miller Nicholson was presented with the challenge of raising a son who turns his nose up at vegetables, she readily accepted it by sneaking them into pasta in wildly imaginative ways.

As a molecular gastronomist known as the "Lady Gaga of Food" by the Cooking Channel, Nicholson regularly approaches food in an original way. However, she has gained fame for her out-of-this-world pasta creations.

在全球廣受好評的皮克斯電影《腦筋急轉彎》,有一個情景是一個爸爸要讓她剛學會走路的幼童吃下花椰菜,大多數那個年紀都厭惡的一種蔬菜,而感到苦惱。這部電影推出的國際版中,皮克斯用最適合特定地區挑食孩童的任何蔬菜去取代花椰菜。當美食部落客Linda Miller Nicholson遇到他兒子不吃蔬菜的挑戰,他欣然地接受並用瘋狂想像力的方式把蔬菜挟進義大利麵中。



They aren't your ordinary pastas with bland colors and dull flavors; they're zany pasta designs with bursts of colors, mesmerizing patterns, homages to art pieces like Vermeer's Girl with a Pearl Earring, and other cultural icons using all-natural ingredients. She includes kale, peas, beets, paprika, turmeric, and other ingredients to get the vibrant colors she needs. Then, she documents her pasta masterpieces under her Instagram handle Salty Seattle, which is the name of her former blog.    Nicholson began her journey at the center of the Slow Food Movement in Torino, Italy. From then on, she has appeared on the American version of MasterChef, with celebrity chef and television personality Gordon Ramsay. Now, she's the host of Food Network's Facebook live videos where she regularly teaches people how to utilize her pasta-making techniques. With her own cookbook underway in early 2018, there is no telling what will be next in store for Nicholson.
















