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week 48: 11/28-12/04
第 128 行: 第 128 行:
===week 49: 12/05-12/11===
===week 49: 12/05-12/11===
===week 50: 12/19-12/25===
===week 51: 12/26-01/01===
*#People who gossip,or people who listen to gossip.(11:20)
*#I miss how easy things used to be.(111:41)
*#I owe you for this.我欠你一個人情(18:12)
*#I should've told you in person.(22:19)
*#It's history,okay?都是過去的事了(28:22)
*#Thank you for being honest.(30:57)
===week 50: 12/12-12/18===
*#All of a sudden I feel like your're picking apart everything I say with a pair of tweezers(鑷子).(7:08)
*#Thanks for the warning.(7:02)
*#Somebody just got scouted.(13:38)
*#Would it make any difference if i didn't?(15:11)
*#That sound brings back memories.(16:18)
===week 51: 12/19-12/25===
*#So,are you going out with Noel,or was that just a one-off?(31:20)你是在跟Noel交往還是只是玩玩.
*#You are the master of time.(26:06)
*#The thing I can't explain,the thing I can't forgive.(28:33)我無法解釋也無法原諒自己.
*#Well,you know there's bad,and then there's bad.(31:30)你要知道江山易改,本性難移.
*#One way or another,people are gonna mind their own business.(41:44)無論如何,大家還是要少管閒事.
===week 52: 12/26-01/01===
*#hunker down沉潛待發
*#lay low躲藏
*#survival gear生存裝備
*#Pilot's still on.沒備,但管用(39:38)
*#They were working on how to solve this thing.他們正在想辦法解決問題(39:01)
*#That's a luxury we can't afford.這一點我們也無能為力(55:44)
*#We just stayed hunkered down.我們就在這裡徘徊不前(40:41)
*#So we had to find a place to lay low.因此我們得找一個藏身之處(40:35)
===week 01: 01/02-01/08===
===week 01: 01/02-01/08===
===week 02: 01/09-01/15===
===week 03: 01/16-01/22===
*#I said bake the hell off.(10:19)我說快她媽把槍放下
*#only common sense.(12:14)這都不懂
*#I'll be all"sammy sunshine"positive for you.(21:46)我一定給你好好當靠山

2017年1月15日 (日) 23:17的最新修訂版本

week 35: 8/29-9/04

week 36: 9/05-9/11

  1. The Call Of The Wild(P.1~P.5)

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  1. 大意:Buck是一隻強壯,毛很厚的狗,住在Mr.Miller的家。在1897這一年,會有很多人到北極挖黃金,所以需要強壯的狗從雪地把黃金拉到城市。有一位在Mr.Miller工作的人,想要更多的錢所以就把Buck抓去賣掉,從加州到舊金山到西雅圖,因為為了逃脫所以攻擊了一個穿紅色衣服的人,但是一直被棒子打,最後甚至快死了。之後他在西雅圖被兩位友善、聰明又懂狗的加拿大人買走,最後他坐上了船,一天又一天從西雅圖到了阿拉斯加,下船後,這是他一生第一次踩在雪上。
  2. 不會的單字
    • intelligent聰明的
    • harness馬俱
    • sledge雪橇
    • San Francisco舊金山
    • Settle西雅圖
    • Alaska阿拉斯加

week 37: 9/12-9/18

  1. The Call Of The Wild(P.8~P.11)

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  1. 大意:
  2. 不會的單字
    • surprise驚奇
    • harness馬具
    • sledge雪橇
    • excitement刺激
    • wild野生
    • howl吠聲

week 38: 9/19-9/25

week 39: 9/26-10/02

  1. The Call Of The Wild(P.18~P.21)
  2. 大意:天氣越來越溫暖,這趟旅行也變得更難。冰變得很薄,所以常常在拉雪橇的時候冰裂開就掉進冰水裡,有一次Buck就掉到水裡,被拉起來時毛上有一大層冰,Buck感覺非常冷幾乎快被凍死。之後因為Buck的腳走在冰上所以凍傷站不起來,Francois就幫他做了一個狗狗用的靴子,Buck也很開心,之後每天都穿著靴子拉雪橇。七天之後,Buck每天都跟Spitz(當時狗群裡的老大)打架,變得其他狗再也不怕Spitzu,也不聽他的話,不拉雪橇。Francois非常生氣,但是他們還是繼續打架,最後Buck把Spitz的腳咬斷。Buck從此變得最重要的一隻狗了。
  3. 不會的單字:
    • Dawson道生

week 40: 10/03-10/09

  1. The Call Of The Wild(P.24~P.27)
  2. 大意:之後他們再也找不到Spitz。因為還是需要繼續拉雪橇所以Francois就把Spitz的位子要給了Sol-Leks,但是Buck會把Spitz弄死就是因為想要當狗群裡的老大,現在卻不能在老大的位子拉雪橇Buck很生氣,可是大家都很大家都很怕Buck,所以Sol-leks就不敢去帶Spitz的繩子。最後Buck變成了拉雪橇的頭,原本他們不覺得Buck會比Spitz拉的還要好,但是拉了好幾公里後,他們才知道Buck拉得比Spitz好很多,他拉的比較快、比較壯、比Spitz還要有智能。他們覺得Spitz是隻很棒的狗,但是Buck更棒。之後他們到了史凱威改變了計劃,最後到了育空。他們很快的賣掉了那些雪橇狗包括Buck他們很傷心但是必須賣掉。之後Buck再也沒在看到那兩個男生了。有個蘇格蘭人買了這些雪橇犬。他和另外幾個男生在郵件公司工作。隔天,他們帶著雪橇犬到了道森,在那裡工作更難,因為雪橇更重、雪也很厚。Buck不喜歡他的新工作,但是他還是很認真工作,其他的狗也是。
  3. 不會的單字:
    • intelligent智能
    • Skaguay史凱威.阿拉斯加的小鎮
    • Yukon育空.位於加拿大的西北方
    • Scottish蘇格蘭人、語
    • Dawson道森

week 41: 10/10-10/16

  1. The Call of the wild(p28-29)
  2. 大意:在這旅程上,Buck只喜歡一樣東西就是他喜歡在他睡覺之前坐在火旁邊,他經常想著Curly和他跟Spitz打架的時刻。有時候也會想到Mr.Miller's的房子,他不會傷心,因為他已經不想回去那間大房子和有著溫暖太陽的地方。他現在已經有新的家、新的生活,雖然很辛苦,但他覺得很棒。經過了很多個晚上他們來到了道森。現在每一隻狗都非常的累,他們變得很瘦也想要有長一點的休息。現在每天都在下雪,所以雪橇也越來越重。Dave現在受傷了但是他們找不到他怎麼了。最後因為Dave快要死掉了,他們不想要她受到太多的痛,所以最後他們就用槍把Dave射死,讓他再也感覺不到痛。
  3. 不會的單字:無

week 42: 10/17-10/23

  1. The Call Of The Wild(32-33)
  2. 不會的單字:
    • watery eyes水汪汪的大眼

week 43: 10/24-10/30

  • 聽不懂的(到21:37)
    1. divide-區隔、劃分
    2. drop off-放下、丟下
    3. practically幾乎
    4. snatched搶奪
    5. Though I'm not surprised she ended up that way.
    6. Let's divide(區隔、劃分) and conquer(侵佔、徵服) and meet back here at midnight.
    7. I practically(幾乎) snatched(搶奪) it out of her hand.
    8. Well,hope springs eternal.
  • 可學習的
    1. I guess this would be a bad time to see...
    2. So the cat in the hat now wants room and board?
    3. What is with this charger?
    4. Spencer asked me to drop off(放下、丟下) your French book.
    5. I should be on your porch.
    6. You know,time goes by so fast.

week 44: 10/31-11/06

  • 這段沒有聽不懂的(18完)
  • 可學習的
    1. Can we just make one stop along the way?
    2. I promise it won't take long.
    3. I'm not sleeping tonight until I say this.

week 45: 11/07-11/13

  • 聽不懂的(19完)
    1. Uh...surprise me.(10:28)
  • 可學習的
    1. Enjoy your...,I intent to.(10:02)
    2. We were never that close.(23:00)

week 46: 11/14-11/20

  • 不懂單字(20完)
    1. paranoid多疑的
    2. phony騙子
    3. sort of稍微,一點點
  • 聽不懂的
    1. just felt phony(騙子) all of a sudden.(36:20)
    2. It just sort of(稍微,一點點) happened.(4:23)
  • 可學習的
    1. You shoudn't tell me this,because it's not true.(19:33)
    2. Maybe we are being a little bit paranoid(多疑的).(20:14)
    3. That is so easy for you to say.(36:52)
    4. What?what is that look?(17:10)
    5. If I had made one wrong detail on that text,everything would have blown up---forever.(17:59)

week 47: 11/21-11/27

  • 不懂的單字(21完)
    1. toot my own horn大吹大擂
    2. struggle爭扎
    3. end up結束,死亡,最後
  • 聽不懂的
    1. Not to toot my own horn,but...toot-toot!(21:32)
  • 可學習的
    1. Look,I don't want happened to me to happen to you.(17:32)
    2. Every time you try to bring me down you end up in trouble.(28:04)
    3. The more you struggle,the faster you sink.(28:10)
    4. You're the only one that I can completely be honest with.(33:41)

week 48: 11/28-12/04

  • 聽不懂的(22完)
  • 可學習的
    1. You scared the hell out of me!(9:09)
    2. You're not gonna be med at me forever,are you?(10:55)
    3. Can you handle that?(12:21)你能說實話了嗎?
    4. I so don't care.(13:39)
    5. Look,I've never had a safe place to land...(27:16)

week 49: 12/05-12/11

  • 不懂的單字(第2季一完)
    1. gossip流言蜚語,八卦
    2. owe欠了,感激
  • 聽不懂的
  • 可學習的
    1. People who gossip,or people who listen to gossip.(11:20)
    2. I miss how easy things used to be.(111:41)
    3. I owe you for this.我欠你一個人情(18:12)
    4. I should've told you in person.(22:19)
    5. It's history,okay?都是過去的事了(28:22)
    6. Thank you for being honest.(30:57)

week 50: 12/12-12/18

  • 不懂的單字(第二集前20分)
    1. tweezers鑷子
    2. scouted搜索
  • 聽不懂的
    1. All of a sudden I feel like your're picking apart everything I say with a pair of tweezers(鑷子).(7:08)
  • 可學習的
    1. Thanks for the warning.(7:02)
    2. Somebody just got scouted.(13:38)
    3. Would it make any difference if i didn't?(15:11)
    4. That sound brings back memories.(16:18)

week 51: 12/19-12/25

  • 聽不懂的(第二集後20分)
    1. So,are you going out with Noel,or was that just a one-off?(31:20)你是在跟Noel交往還是只是玩玩.
  • 可學習的
    1. You are the master of time.(26:06)
    2. The thing I can't explain,the thing I can't forgive.(28:33)我無法解釋也無法原諒自己.
    3. Well,you know there's bad,and then there's bad.(31:30)你要知道江山易改,本性難移.
    4. One way or another,people are gonna mind their own business.(41:44)無論如何,大家還是要少管閒事.

week 52: 12/26-01/01

  • 不懂的單字(行屍走肉第一季第一集)
    1. solve解決
    2. luxury奢侈
    3. afford提供
    4. pilot駕駛員
    5. hunker down沉潛待發
    6. lay low躲藏
    7. survival gear生存裝備
  • 聽不懂的
    1. Pilot's still on.沒備,但管用(39:38)
  • 可學習的
    1. They were working on how to solve this thing.他們正在想辦法解決問題(39:01)
    2. That's a luxury we can't afford.這一點我們也無能為力(55:44)
    3. We just stayed hunkered down.我們就在這裡徘徊不前(40:41)
    4. So we had to find a place to lay low.因此我們得找一個藏身之處(40:35)

week 01: 01/02-01/08

  • 聽不懂的(第二集)
  • 可學習的
    1. I said bake the hell off.(10:19)我說快她媽把槍放下
    2. only common sense.(12:14)這都不懂
    3. I'll be all"sammy sunshine"positive for you.(21:46)我一定給你好好當靠山